Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2 shekels/kg for these!

If ever I needed to cut back on spending, it is RIGHT NOW. See, my washing machine died. It was less than 3 yrs old, and I had not planned to replace it so soon. So we have this sudden unexpected expense of a new washing machine!  It is time to sock some money back into savings to cover that "emergency expense".

Anyhow, I always shop pretty frugally, and find myself looking over the sug bet produce pretty frequently, but so far this week I have taken an extra couple of walks past the makolet to see if they'd put anything decent into their sug bet boxes. And they had.

Here's what I found for 2 shekels/kg:

(I actually had already used about 4 red peppers, 15 cucumbers, and 4 kishuim before I remembered to take this picture of my cheap produce)

So we've got carrots, cabbage, red peppers, hot peppers, kishuim, eggplants, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apples, pears, melon, apricots (sadly, just 2 of those), and now-mushy bananas for baking, all for 2 shekels/kilo! I think altogether I spent about 25 shekels on my sug bet purchases. I left the rotten potatoes there, and did not bother with the past prime parsley. But I'm sort of kicking myself for not picking up the garlic -- although I've had bad experiences with past prime garlic in the past, so that's why I skipped it.

Have you found any really great deals to share?

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