Madatech, if you haven't heard of it, is a Science Museum, located in the heart of Haifa. It's a pretty good Science Museum (and we have seen MANY Science Museums in the past 18 years!), and all of my kids (aged 8-17 at the time we went) found things that interested them and kept them busy for our whole day there!

And now, Free Admission is back - Get into MadaTech in Haifa for FREE on Wednesdays in September, October, November, and December.
The following Wednesdays are excluded (admission is NOT free these days):
October 5 (Tzom Gedalya)
October 19 (Chol HaMoed Sukkot)
December 28 (Chanukah)
In addition, please note that the museum is closed on Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur (October 11-12)
This promotion ends December 22, 2016
Opening hours on Wednesday are 10am - 4pm, so plan accordingly!
UPDATE: Tickets are only issued until 2pm, and you cannot get in without one, even though it's free. Be sure to arrive before the ticket counter closes!
Also, I was just told that the museum closes at 3pm, not 4pm as posted above (though I took the times from the museum's website).
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