Monday, April 27, 2015

Best deal for National Parks Membership

I know a lot of Israelis like to go hiking. And a lot of tourists like to go hiking. And to do that, you're going to want to be all set for hiking around this country! You've got your sun hat , (or your bandana visor) your water bottle holder , your good hiking shoes ... now you just need money to pay admission to all those national parks!

If that's you, you may want a Reshut HaTeva Membership Card. These cards are available for a yearly membership fee and get you into most of the parks run by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority at no additional charge. At certain parks, you get a 50% discount on admission. For a complete list of perks you get with the membership, check out the official members guide!

If you buy the membership directly from the Parks Authority, it will cost a pretty penny. For a couple with 3 or more children, the category my family falls into, a yearly membership costs 446 shekels.

I've been checking out the few discount deals that are out there and here's what I discovered.

The best deal I can find is the Group-e deal, which is 357 shekels for a yearly membership.

This is far better than some of the other deals I found, which range from 379 shekels for a family with 3 or more children to 437 shekels for a family of that size. So check carefully before you buy a "deal" and be sure you are getting the BEST deal available!

However, if you or your spouse is a member of a union or is a government employee (here in Israel), there is a good chance you can purchase a membership for even less through your union or government discount program, so be sure check that out (and feel free to report back here if you get a good deal!).

So now that you know where the best deal is, feel free to spread the word and share this post with your friends and community lists. And go get your card, if you'd planned to spend even part of this season at the National Parks!

Don't forget to find me on Facebook, where I post even more deals and money-saving ideas!

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