Monday, May 30, 2016

All this for 11 Shekels!

I'm posting about my latest sug bet haul. Yesterday I happened to be near the makolet at the very end of the day, and found they'd put out a fair amount of produce on the "sug bet" - 2 shekel/kilo - rack.

Some of it was rotten. Gross.

But some was really great! And since I'm really not planning to spend much on groceries this week, this was perfect for me! (Except that I didn't have any shopping bags/tote bags with me, because I actually had not planned on shopping... So I had to take a plastic bag, and just my luck, it ripped on the way home...)

Anyway, here's what I got for 11 shekels!

4 kohlrabi
1 (small) butternut squash
10 (small-medium) sweet potatoes
2 large red peppers
1 small red pepper
2 (normal size) green peppers
2 (normal size) yellow peppers 
19 (smallish) kishuim (light green summer squash)

Most of these veggies are in good condition, and I'm not sure why they were set outside, but I was thrilled to find them anyway!

They had other things out there that did not appeal to me as much - like those famous root vegetables - because if I could get THESE for 2 shekels/kilo instead of those, my family is much happier. Not that we don't eat the root vegetables too, because we do. But I decided to skip it for now, in favor of these. Especially without any tote bags...

What's your find of the day? Please let me know!

Now I need to decide what I'm cooking with these...

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