Sunday, July 6, 2014

Weekly Menu

It's summer, which is the time of year I always get cooking burnout. 
(I think I mentioned it recently on this blog, actually!)

In summer, I just want to drink cold drinks, have some ice cream, some watermelon, maybe a granola bar, and call it a day.

But somehow that just doesn't cut it for growing kids, and to be honest, if I keep that up too long,  I don't feel so good either.
make your own salad

So we have to cook sometimes... Whenever possible, I plan to cook at night, like the black bean meatballs will have to be made on Tuesday night.

Here's this week's supper plan:

Sunday: Random - Pitot and Spreads, Vegetable lo-mein, and apple-pear crisp with ice cream

Monday: Whatever was left from Shabbat, plus a fresh salad and some steamed broccoli/cauliflower

Tuesday: Roasted Vegetable Gazpacho, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, make your own salad

Wednesday: Rice, Stir-Fried Vegetables, Black bean "meatballs" in sweet and sour sauce

Thursday: Pizza (quick and easy crust!), Steamed Broccoli/Cauliflower, make your own salad

And that should help me keep suppers on track this week! What's your summer cooking look like?

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