Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

I am so burnt-out on so many levels. There has just been a lot going on around here lately, and the to-do list keeps growing, and the to-stress-about list never shrinks! I just wish someone would wave a magic wand and arrange for a TOTAL break from real life, even if just for a day. I guess I mean to say, I NEED to recharge my batteries!
But since that's not happening, and there is a full day of homeschooling 4 kids ahead of me, and tons of laundry to fold, cleaning to do, sorting through I-don't-know-what-all-that-stuff-is that is sitting in piles in various rooms of the house (mostly in the kids' rooms, the master bedroom,and  the newly renamed "activity room" - formerly known as the "playroom"), I will have to have a supper plan early in the day.

So here it is:

Garlic Bread & Minestrone Soup

(Can you tell I'm experiencing cooking burn-out, too?)

If anyone is hungry after that, well, they will just have to find SOMETHING on their own!

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