I'm out of potatoes and kishuim and bananas and I haven't baked challot.
I have a bunch of basics here so I should be able to pull it together...
(Just took a big break in the middle of writing this blog to check what I've got in the house!)
Since I have 2 butternut squashes and granny smith apples galore, I'm going to have to make Butternut Squash and Apple soup, which thankfully can be served cold (garnished with fresh basil might work!) because someone just told me it's supposed to be VERY hot here over Shabbat (leaning against running the A/C, though. I haven't decided. Will you be running yours?)...
So here's the plan:
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup
Honey Teriyaki Chicken Wings (Friday night)
Baked Shnitzel for lunch
Brown Rice
Snap Peas (got some fresh ones this week!)
Roasted Cauliflower (I've had one in the fridge that if I do not use NOW will be no good)
Salad - lettuce, roasted orange peppers, craisins and cucumbers
Tomato-Basil salad
Baking: Apple Cake with cinnamon crumb topping (for seudah shlishit treat), chocolate chip cake, gingerbread cookies, and whole wheat and oat bran challot.
What are you making for Shabbat?
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