Sunday, May 11, 2014

Physician's Formula on sale at iherb

Usually, I talk about food or other kitchen type products I order from iherb.

You see, iherb has made my life so much easier since making aliyah. I can't actually afford to order very much from them, but I DO order some select items. Most months I spend $20 or so on an iherb order, including the $4 shipping charge for a 4 lb order (I try to get as close to 4 lbs as possible, and usually end up ordering between 3.96lbs and 4lbs).

Today, though, makeup wearers out there can rejoice! 
Right now,
Physician's Formula products are ALL 20% off right now!
No coupon code is necessary, but if you've never ordered from iherb and you click thru my link, you'll find another great discount pre-loaded into your cart!

Sale ends May 14, at 10 am Pacific Time, so get it while you can. Some products may already be temporarily out of stock...

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