Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Great News! Israel's New "Do Not Call" List


Israelis can now put their cellphone numbers and landline phone numbers onto the new "Do Not Call" List. When you do this, you will be protected from receiving unsolicited sales calls.

AND, if you still receive an unsolicited sales call, you'll be able to fill out an online complaint form so the company will be fined.

This is really big news - we've been waiting YEARS for this!
I highly recommend you sign up and avoid having to worry that you'll get talked into paying for something you don't want.

I also recommend to those of you out there who have an older (senior) family member to look out for - sign up their number! The form offers the option to sign up on behalf of another person - use it!

Note: this will not stop all calls. Some calls, like those from companies you have a contract with, are allowed, and if you reach out to a company for information, they are allowed to call you and follow up.

This is about those truly unsolicited calls.

Here's how to sign up:

The sooner you sign up, the sooner the protections go into place. The law goes into effect on Jan 1, 2023, but only applies once your number has been in the database for 2 weeks.

If you receive an unsolicited sales call, you can report this violation by filling out the form here:

Hope you found this helpful!

If so, let me know below! And if you want to keep in touch, please follow my FB page!


  1. Will this also help w unsolicited phone calls from political parties/ kupat cholim that U have left/ tzedaka requests?

    1. I'm not sure how it works with political parties, but I believe it applies to Tzedaka requests, unless you opted in to some service of theirs. Kupat Cholim - I think if you left them over 6 months ago, you can report them.


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