Monday, January 18, 2021

UPDATED PRICES: Price-Controlled Food List

Here it is!

Some of you recently found your way to my blog (welcome!) when looking for information about price regulation in Israel (certain foods are "price-controlled" by government regulation), and I realized it's been a while since I posted an update. A few prices have even changed since my last post about this, so it was time for a new one!

Make sure you're not overpaying for anything on this list:





There's always talk of adding items to the list (like fresh vegetables) or making changes (like swapping whole wheat bread for the white bread), but for now, this is the list of price-regulated foods.

If your store is overcharging for any of these items (check to be sure they are in fact the price-regulated item and not a premium version) - you can report the store to the proper authority using this online form, or by emailing

Hope this helps you save more money, and don't forget to follow me on Facebook and join my shopping group for more tips!

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